Flow Blog
Tutorial project by Coding in Flow
This is a full-stack blogging website built with NextJS, ExpressJS, and TypeScript 💚
🌟 Get my NextJS course to learn how to build this!
👀 Features:
- User accounts & profiles. Sign up either via email & password or social providers (Google/GitHub)
- Users can create and update blog posts via a markdown editor
- Upload images & resize them on our own backend server
- A fully-fledged comment system with sub-comments and edit/delete functionality
- Pagination with both page numbers and infinite loading
- A fully mobile-responsive layout & custom theme based on Bootstrap
- A complete backend server built with ExpressJS and MongoDB
💡 Concepts covered:
- Advanced NextJS server-side rendering strategies like on-demand revalidation
- Client-side request caching & revalidation using SWR (NextJS' React-Query alternative)
- Advanced React concepts like context providers, custom hooks, and effect cleanup
- Form handling with React-Hook-Form and Yup
- Security best practices like validation of user input & file uploads, and rate-limiting
- User email verification and password reset without expensive backend services like Firebase
- Redis as a local session storage for super fast access
- Deploy everything to a real web hosting and learn how to protect your server from hackers
- and much more...
💻 This course goes beyond normal YouTube tutorials and teaches you how to build real production websites.